Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Overview of Jerusalem

Yesterday we took a double-decker tour bus around Jerusalem. It was a three hour trip, to give us an overview of the whole city. It was a very good introduction to both the old and new parts of the city. It started at the central bus station (which has a mall inside that sells everything from kosher hot dogs to Torah covers); went all the way up Mt. Scopus to Hebrew University for an amazing view; went over the Mount of Olives (and got caught in a traffic jam on the way back down) then around the walls of the Old City past the Dung Gate, Lions Gate and Jaffa Gate; went up Mt. Herzl to Yad Vashem; past the Israel Museum with the big white onion-shaped Shrine of the Book, which had water flowing over it like a fountain; up to the gates of the Knesset where people were protesting the new government; past the Supreme Court building and the new soaring white bridge for the light rail system now under construction. The whole trip was great and we all got a lot out of it, including sunburned faces.

Today Jon lectured at Hebrew University and it went very well. This evening we'll go into the Old City for sunset and spend the evening there. Can't wait!

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