Sunday, April 12, 2009

Birkat HaKohanim

This morning, we went to the Kotel for the Birkat HaKohanim (the Priestly Blessing), along with 50,000 of our closest friends and neighbors. Hundreds of Kohanim stood in front of the Wall, covered themselves in their taleisim (prayer shawls), lifted their hands and blessed the people with the ancient blessing: "May G-d lift his countenance upon you and may he grant you peace." I bowed my head, covered my eyes and was transported back in time. I could believe it was 2,000 years ago, when the same Kohanim were reciting the same blessing, just on the other side of the Wall, on the actual Temple Mount. When I opened my eyes, I actually had to think for a minute to remember where I was. It was truly a transcendent moment.

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