Sunday, April 12, 2009

Dead Sea - Noah's Blog

When you are going into the Dead Sea you will find out that it is different than anywhere else. The first thing you'll notice is that it is very cold and oily. Once you get past the rocky slope down into the Dead Sea it turns into sand. When you're about stomach high it just seems to make you bob. So you turn backwards and you start to float. Well that you can do anywhere, right? All you have to do is push in your waist and you're sitting on water!

David, our tour guide warned us, "If you put your face in it your eyes will sting for about 3 hours. And if you drink it you'll have to go to the hospital.“ The water of the Dead Sea is almost saturated, which means almost no more salt can be dissolved in it. So if you're lucky or just know where to look you'll find slabs of salt.

One thing The Dead Sea is known for is its boiling mud!! The mud there is famous because it has a chemical in it that makes your skin softer so my dad went over there to try it. After he was done he looked like a mud monster. When we were swimming we saw people covered in black mud. All of their body -- both men and women.

The boiling mud pit, the salted rock, and the oily feeling: you know it's the DEAD SEA!!



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