Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Old City at Night

Last night we went into the Old City for the first time. We started by walking through the shuk, which reminded us of the markets in China, but full of Judaica instead of silk and jade. Then we got to the Kotel in time for Mincha/Ma'ariv. A very nice rabbi helped Jon and Avery lay tefillin, took pictures of them in front of the Wall with Jon's camera, and then made Avery and Noah promise to marry Jewish girls when they grew up. (It was funny and sweet.)

Of course I went over to the women's side by myself. There was a bride there with her mother. The photographer was leaning over the mechitza (separation barrier) from the men's side to take pictures of her. It was both beautiful and amusing.

The sun went down and everything lit up. It was really breathtaking. Being there is truly like no other place in the world.

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