Monday, May 18, 2009

We went to a kibbutz (blog by Noah)

"A kibbutz is a form of communal living that combines Socialism and Zionism" (see explanations below). Ein HaShofet is among the oldest kibbutzim in Israel. Actually, Ein HaShofet began in 1937, eleven years before Israel became a state. The kibbutz has over 700 people, including its members and those studying in ulpan. Unlike many of the kibbutzim in Israel today, Ein HaShofet remains very traditional in its communal organization.

Other than food, laundry and electricity, everything remains largely communally funded. At the same time, the kibbutz is building beautiful new townhouses for its members with new families.

Originally, the kibbutz used children's homes. The children would live separate from their parents and barely see them. Instead, the children now live at home and go to school on the kibbutz.

Ein HaShofet operate two factories, one manufacturing screws and the other electronic appliances. It also has a large farm with dairy and meat cows, a large dairy producing cheese and ice cream, and a poultry farm. As we left, we watched the dairy cows being led into the barns for their afternoon milking.

New members can still join the kibbutz. Some start in the ulpan and wish to stay. Others wish to join the community. If you want to join the kibbutz, there is a vote by all its members to see if you will be invited to join.

קיבוץ קִבּוּץ kibbutz

A kibbutz is a form of communal living that combines socialism and Zionism. Kibbutzim began as utopian communities and have gradually embraced a more "scientific" socialist approach. Today, farming has been partly supplanted by other economic branches, including industrial plants and high-tech enterprises. Less than five percent of Israelis live on kibbutzim. A member of a Kibbutz is called a Kibbutznik (Hebrew: קִבּוּצְנִיק).


אולפן ulpan

An ulpan is an institute or school for the intensive study of Hebrew. Ulpan (אולפן, plural ulpanim - אולפנים) is a Hebrew word meaning basically studio or teaching, instruction.

The ulpan is designed to teach adult immigrants to Israel the basic language skills of conversation, writing and comprehension. Most ulpanim also provide instruction in the fundamentals of Israeli culture, history, and geography. The primary purpose of the ulpan is to help new citizens to be integrated as quickly and as easily as possible into the social, cultural and economic life of their new country.


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