Thursday, December 4, 2008

Last Post From China

Hard to believe, but it's here at last -- our final day in China, and it's time to say zai jian. We leave early on Friday. We are of mixed feelings -- tired and wanting our own beds; sorry to go so soon. We've had a wonderful time.

We spent our last full day doing the last round of touristy things: one last ride on the ferry, one last tour through a street market, one last round of buying presents (and, I'm embarrassed to say, one new suitcase to put all our new acquisitions in). I just watched the Symphony of Lights for the final time; I never get tired of it (in 12 days, I think I've watched it 6 times).

We've had a marvelous trip and many unforgettable experiences. We will continue to blog about all the things we've done and seen even after we get back home, but I wanted one last chance to post our thoughts from China.

Noah has announced he's used up all the hotel soap, so it's definitely time to go home. Goodbye! Zai jian!

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